24 Aug
New recording software is world’s first to support hybrid courts
AV innovations respond to the post-2020 challenges courts face combining in-person and virtual hearings
For The Record, the global leader in digital court recording, has released the world’s first digital recording software to specifically support the courtroom of the future—the hybrid court.
FTR Gold version 7 dramatically improves the quality, capacity, and accessibility of audio and video recorded in both physical courtrooms and of remote participants. This mix of in-person and online appearances—the hybrid courtroom—has been predicted to become the courtroom of the future as courts retain some procedures adopted during COVID-19 restrictions.
For The Record President Tony Douglass said version 7 is a significant and timely upgrade to its flagship software FTR Gold, which currently captures 60 percent of recordings in courts worldwide.
“As courts have expanded beyond their traditional four walls, Gold has become more expansive, too,” said Mr Douglass. “Years ago, we foresaw the hybrid court and asked ourselves how we could help courts record, manage, and increase access to the court record in such an environment. With Gold 7, we’ve done that in ways that allow for jurisdictions to meet compliance, and for their digital court recordings to be clear and accurate for future transcription, review, or appeal, or as a backup for court
Gold 7’s new features include a 16-channel, high-fidelity audio recorder—the number of channels considered optimal for most courts and for isolating voices for cost-effective, fast, accurate transcription. Gold 7’s video capabilities include a four-channel HD recorder, and upgraded codec (compression), which accommodates and improves the quality of video captured from any non-IP video source such as a webcam or USB camera used in remote locations.
These upgraded features continue For The Record’s commitment to creating world-first solutions for the justice sector. For The Record was the first to deliver a real-world electronic court (in 1995); the first to introduce video recording in courts (in 2001); and the first to provide remote-hearing recording solutions for courts during the pandemic in early 2020.
“For decades, we’ve partnered with courts around the world, providing proactive solutions to help them modernize,” said Mr Douglass. “This latest For The Record release is consistent with our drive to help justice evolve into its digital future.”